How to obfuscate production builds of your Angular app

Let's look at how to obfuscate production builds of your Angular web app.

EDIT: reword article title to avoid confusion :)

EDIT2: fixed webpack config.

You will need an Angular project v10 or later to continue.

We will use javascript-obfuscator for this tutorial.


  • Install custom Angular builder which supports Webpack config and obfuscator packages.
npm i -D @angular-builders/custom-webpack javascript-obfuscator webpack-obfuscator
  • Now, update let's update angular.json to use the above installed Angular builder.


"architect": {
  "build": {
     "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
        "options": {


"architect": {
  "build": {
        "builder": "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:browser",
        "options": {
            "customWebpackConfig": {
              "path": "./webpack.config.js",
              "mergeRules": {
                "externals": "replace"
  • Later, create a webpack.config.js at the root of the project directory (beside angular.json).
// webpack.config.js
const JavaScriptObfuscator = require('webpack-obfuscator');
module.exports = (config, options) => {
  if (config.mode === 'production') {
    config.plugins.push(new JavaScriptObfuscator({
      rotateStringArray: true, // please customizable with options
    }, ['exclude_bundle.js']);

More options can be found here.

  • Finally, run a production build with npm run build and compare the output JS files with older ones.

Hope you learned something valuable here. Feel free to @ me on Twitter here